IC Liquidity Fund

Invest with confidence

With a team of expert analysts on your side, you can rest assured that your investments are in good hands. Watch your money grow with our low risk and high liquidity approach. Let us work with you to fulfil your aspirations - Invest with us Today

Stay consistent & achieve your financial goals

With our direct debit feature, you don't need to worry about remembering to fund your investments. Just fill our online form indicating your monthly contribution, frequency and payment method and it will be automated.

Set your goals. Invest in a brighter future with IC Liquidity Fund

Whether it's preparing for retirement, funding an education, owning a home or realizing your travel dreams. With IC Liquidity Fund, you can trust that your investments are working towards a better tomorrow. It is never too late to start building the life you want - start investing now and let us help you reach your financial aspirations with confidence.

Invest in an emergency Fund

Protect yourself against life's surprises with an emergency fund. Invest in a secure future today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're prepared for anything. Start building your emergency fund now and be assured of your financial well-being.


Speak to an investment adviser

Invest smarter with expert guidance. Schedule a consultation with our Financial Advisers, receive personalized support and guidance, and achieve your financial goals